Friday, November 2, 2007

Tamilchelvan Anna...

At some time around 7:00 AM today, I woke up with the news of the killing of S.P. Tamilchelvan, or Tamilselvan Anna as I like to call him. Initially, I thought I was dreaming, but then as I heard people paying tribute to him on the radio, the truth hit me, and it hit me hard.

Who was Tamilchelvan Anna?

He was officially the head of the political department of Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam and it's chief peace negotiator, unofficially he was the face of the LTTE to the world, a brilliant military commander, a husband and a father to his two children.

To me he was the ever smiling person who spoke on behalf of us Tamils to the world, and who had one of the most dangerous jobs in Vanni, as his death ultimately illustrated. He didn't just speak to foreigners and the media, as the head of the political department, he attended many public events, and LTTE meetings. His home, his office, and his base, where he and his colleagues resided, are open secrets. Everybody who was anybody in Killinochchi knew when he was traversing through the A-9 highway. His position required him to lead such a dangerously open life leading to his eventual demise.

I understand words mean nothing at this juncture, however, I send my condolences to his wife, and to his two chidren. My sympathies also go out to the families of Alex, and the other LTTE members who perished with Tamilchelvan Anna.

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