Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Deadly bomb attacks in Sri Lanka

It is quite sad that 17 lives have to be ended so violently.

After successfully attacking Sri Lankan Military targets for a while now, I can't quite imagine the LTTE now resorting to targeting pure civilian targets. Although, the police have claimed that it was the LTTE that conducted this attack, I hesitate to believe them. The Sri Lankan Police are notorious for blaming everything on the LTTE.

The only reason I can fathom for why the LTTE would resort to such attacks (if they were indeed responsible), is because they have totally given up on the International Community. In all honesty, great many countries have labelled the LTTE as terrorists, ironically most of those countries i.e. Canada and EU that remained supportive to the LTTE during war times, decided to ban the LTTE during peace times. Wonder what kind of message that sends to the LTTE?

If a Tamil Charity, that does without a doubt do an enormous amount of aid work in the North East, in the war front is banned by the US, then does it really matter if the LTTE does blow up civilians in the South or Not? One more thing about TRO, once an area gets too dangerous for people to go into, international NGOs usually avoid those areas. However, TRO members, risking their own lives do go into areas deemed too dangerous, just to help those who are stranded in those areas.

Anyhow, back on topic, once upon a time, LTTE did target civilians, and they got labeled as terrorist, despite the Sri Lankan government resorting to the same tactics. Then, as the LTTE grasped what the International community cared about, they wholly avoided targeting civilians. Yet, nations continued to ban them. The final act must have been the recent banning of TRO by the US. After that act, does it really matter what the LTTE does?

The whole world knows about the atrocities being committed by the Sri Lankan Government. The amount of people being killed, disappeared, and kidnapped speaks volumes about the Government. Let's not forget about the Sri Lankan Government having a hand in recruitment of child soldiers in the East, or the constant aerial bombardment in the North, where innocent Tamils continue to be killed.

Yet, despite all these atrocities, countries that are otherwise enemies, come together to provide financial and military aid to Sri Lanka.

Iran just lended Sri Lanka $1.5 Billion, while US just recently donated military equipment.

What is apparent is that the world doesn't give 2 cents about what happens to civilians in the North East, they continue to arm the brutal Sri Lankan Government. Governments are not going to remove the LTTE from their terrorist list. They are not going to recognize the TRO as a legitimate charity. They are not going to heed the Tamils' cries for help.

Further more, no matter what happens, western media, including AP, Reuters, etc are going to take the Sri Lankan governement's word when writing articles about what happened in Sri Lanka. They are going to portray the likes of Douglas Devananda as heroes, even though this man alone contributed to the deaths and assaults of so many Tamil youths.

So why does it matter now, whether the LTTE attacks civilians in the South or not?

Perhaps, the only deterrent would be that innocents would be killed, but that hadn't exactly stopped the Sri Lankan Government from killing innocent Tamils or the world from funding the government's rampage . So why should it deter the LTTE, when such acts would take a toll on Sri Lanka financially, and eventually lead to it's collapse, a few years from now? After all, if no country is going to side with the LTTE, even when they are behaving good, then, shouldn't the LTTE exercise the only options it currently has?

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